We explore deep questions and doubts towards Christianity while offering respectful critique and challenge of alternative worldviews.
Atheism and scepticism
Science and
Society and
The Comprehensive Guide to Atheistic Morality: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Illusions
Imagine the situation — I am caught in a relentless struggle to make ends...
Winning the Universal Lottery: God, the Multiverse and Fine Tuning
The following is an excerpt from "Does the Universe Paint God Out of the...
God and Stephen Hawking. Is Quantum Cosmology God’s Undertaker?
The following is an excerpt from "Does the Universe Paint God Out of the...
Making Sense of Genesis 1 – Creation and Contentions With Modern Science
The following is an excerpt from "Does the Universe Paint God Out of the...
Big Bang Cosmology: Unsettling Implications for Atheism
The following is an excerpt from "Does the Universe Paint God Out of the...
The Atheist Superiority Complex
Atheists are champions of science and reason who have carefully and honestly...
The Atheist’s Burden: Must We Justify Disbelief?
What is atheism, precisely? In modern discourse, atheism is often...
Why So Many Lose Faith in University
I am losing faith in the universities. Universities should be centres for...
Scientism’s Dark Side: When Secular Orthodoxy Strangles Progress
Unravelling Scientism “Science is the only way we know to understand the real...
Living Whole as a Same-sex Attracted Christian
So imagine you’re a gay Christian. You love Jesus and want to follow his way,...
Can Christian Marriage Be Gay?
Who or what determines sexual ethics? The Christian gospel has a number of...
Why We’re Not Evolved for Truth
In his seminal work, 'On the Origin of Species,' published in 1859, Charles...